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Arrr! Staff be learnin' pirate talk

In the News
Thursday, 21st February 2008 By Dan Ketteringham

Staff working in the new Mutiny Bay area have been learning how to walk, talk and act like pirates ahead of opening day.

With just over three weeks to go before Alton Towers reopens fully for the 2008 season, the head of the UK chapter of Talk Like A Pirate Day visited the park to give staff a seminar on all things pirate.

The expert in question, Mad Cap'n Tom, talked his recruits through various topics during the hour-long lesson, such as the dialect of a pirate. He described it as "half West Country, half Bristol, and half slightly insane."

The 20-odd staff learnt traditional phrases such as "ahoy me hearties," and of course the ubiquitous "arrr". They were also advised on the classic pirate stance, typical pirate gestures, pirate dress code, and how to swagger like a true drunkard.

Carla Ballone, a PR Executive for the park, said: "The training was really fun and unusual. It will be good doing it for real. I can't wait for it to open."

Mad Cap'n Tom added: "I have really enjoyed it. It's been fun. They picked it up and I think they will make great pirates."

Source: The Sentinel

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