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See Alton Towers from behind the scenes

Park News
Wednesday, 1st February 2006 By Dan Ketteringham

Ever wanted to see what goes on behind the scenes at Alton Towers?

Well, here is your chance! Following on from ATA's poll about the idea, the park have decided to go ahead with the tours.
Here is the press release:

Alton Towers are delighted to announce details of their long awaited Behind the Scenes tour package! The first tour will take place on Saturday 11th March, beginning at 10am prompt. Whilst we are keen to maintain a surprise element to the tour, guests can expect to climb the Air lift hill, see exactly how Hex achieves its unique effects, enter the Nemesis computer room and walk through a number of scenes within Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back!

At a cost of £30, the tour will last approximately four hours, and will conclude with lunch provided in the Park Boardroom. If you are interested, please send an email to before Wednesday 8th February. Just 20 places are available, so names will be drawn at random. Please note, only one ticket is available per entry. Those selected will be emailed full booking details.

The intention is to offer a similar package during open season, so if you are unsuccessful in gaining a place on this occasion, there will be an alternative offer available in the future.

Guests must be at least 16 years old to attend this tour.
This is a physically demanding tour - all participants must be physically fit and be adequately attired.

Good luck to everybody who enters!

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If you are new to the park, make sure you pick up a free condom.