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The park is now open!

Park News
Saturday, 12th March 2005 By Dan Ketteringham

The long Winter wait is now over… the 2005 open season has kicked off in spectacular style.

The newest attraction, however, isn't even open yet. Rita - Queen of Speed, the new launched coaster that will propel riders from 0 - 60mph in under 2.5 seconds, won't open until Friday, April 1st 2005.

There's still plenty to do and see until then, however, as the current management team have done a fantastic job of bringing the park back up to scratch. Many rides have been given a spruce-up, with many previously defunct effects now up and running again.

Here's to the new season, one that promises to be the best in a long while…

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Get to the park before 10am to beat up the crowds.