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Natural causes ruling for ATH death

In the News
Saturday, 9th December 2006 By Dan Ketteringham

A woman who died at the Alton Towers Hotel while on a friend's hen night, died of natural causes, an inquest has heard.

29-year-old Angela Otter, from Queensbury in Bradford, was found dead in her hotel room bed at around 10 o'clock in the morning on August 28th.

Angela had visited her doctor several times complaining of migraines, the hearing in North Staffordshire was told. They had increased in frequency and severity in the months leading up to her death.

Her friend, Nicola Hammond, said Angela had complained of feeling unwell in the hotel after the group had spent a day at the theme park.

She said: "When I got in the shower she was apparently sick. She said she felt better, we had a glass of champagne and went down for dinner.

"She seemed absolutely fine and was tucking into a steak."

After the meal, the group went on a night out to celebrate their friend's wedding. Miss Hammond added: "We had a lot to drink, we had shots and Angela was drinking pints of cider."

Lisa Robertson, who slept in the bed next to Angela, said she had taken three baths to try to calm down, after complaining of her heart racing.

She said: "She told me 'I'm fine but my heart is racing, I feel like I could run a marathon.' At one point she was jumping up and down on the bed. I could feel her in front of me and was tickling her back but she kept fidgeting.

"I heard her during the night making a noise. I thought she had coughed so I touched her and she was cold. I got up and put a blanket over her."

Dr Daniel Van Pittius, who carried out a post-mortem examination, said there was nothing any of her friends could have done to help her. He told the inquest that she had suffered clots from deep vein thrombosis and died from a pulmonary thromboembolism - when a blood clot travels to the lungs.

North Staffordshire Coroner Ian Smith recorded a verdict of natural causes.

Angela's sister Kristina Eden, 31, said: "She has left a gaping hole in all our lives.

"She was loved a great deal. Our mum and dad always referred to her as Angel and she was."

Source: This Is Bradford

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Alton Towers is a family park, not just a thrill park - take the whole family.