Site relaunch roundup
Site News
Thursday, 1st February 2001
• By Steve Taylor
Well, Alton Towers beat us to it with their great new site, but we are back bigger and better than ever…
You can be sure that over the next few weeks and months, this site will continue to grow and develop as we add more features.
Here is what's new, and what you can expect to see in the next few weeks leading up to the first day of the season.
- Completely new look and feel
- Simple menu system makes it easy to find what you are looking for
- Jump directly to the attraction you're interested in, via the attractions page, or browse through each themed area
- Ride Reviews - Get your thoughts of the attractions on this site
- Complete information about all the retired rides. Do you remember them?
- All current pricing information
- The latest news on the development of Secret Weapon 5
- New online community - share your thoughts, ideas and dreams with us
- Old park maps and guide books
- New park images, some never seen before
Explore what we believe is the biggest unofficial Alton Towers site on the web.
» Trip Tip
Only join the queue lines if you are sure you want to ride.