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Court battle resumes

Park News
Tuesday, 13th September 2005 By Dan Ketteringham

The Roper v. Tussauds Theme Parks Ltd case has entered into its final stages this week.

Last year, the park were found guilty of being a statutory noise nuisance under the 1990 Environmental Protection Act, and a Noise Abatement Order was put on them, which was to be enforced in stages.

However, Tussauds appealed the ruling, and the battle resumed over this summer. Sadly for the park, and the millions of people who enjoy it, the Appeal failed.

The new terms of the Noise Abatement Order are being fought out this week. It is the final part of a legal battle that has lasted for over a year and a half.

Up for negotiation are terms such as the number of fireworks nights per year (if the original terms are repeated, then it will be limited to just one!). Also being fought out is the amount of noise allowed from rides such as Oblivion, the vertical drop roller coaster.

The outcome could change the way the park operates forever. We will keep you informed.

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