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A-Level offer receives few takers

In the News
Tuesday, 23rd August 2005 By Dan Ketteringham

The free entry offer for students with all U-Grades in their A-levels was only taken up by four people.

The freebie offer for exam failures began on Thursday, A-level results day, and ran until Saturday.

But the offer was only taken up by a total of four students over the three days.

A spokesman for Alton Towers said: "This was a genuine offer for students who sat A-levels this year. Perhaps the small number of people taking us up on it meant there just weren't many who got U-grades this summer."

The offer was the latest gimmick from Alton Towers which claims it was celebrating the underdog.

One parent accused Alton Towers of rewarding students who hadn't worked hard.

Source: The Sentinel

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